Building community leaders, impactful organizations, and thriving communities.

North Texas Nonprofit Institute

The North Texas Nonprofit Institute's (NTX NPI) purpose is to support and strengthen nonprofits by providing them with the necessary resources and knowledge to succeed. Through workshops, resources, and networking programs, NTX NPI aims to build community leaders, impactful organizations, and thriving communities.

NTX NPI has conducted extensive research and needs assessments to identify the challenges and gaps faced by nonprofits in the region. This research has guided the development of comprehensive programs, services, and resources tailored to address these needs. The institute is committed to bridging these gaps and empowering nonprofits to reach their full potential.

NTX NPI is dedicated to providing affordable programming without compromising on quality. It believes that all nonprofits, regardless of their size or financial resources, should have access to the necessary tools and knowledge for success.