$49.00 USD

Slippery Slope or Solid Ground: Boundaries, Dual Relationships & Ethical Dilemmas

Thursday, 2/20/25  | 1 - 4 PM

North Texas Nonprofit Institute, 700 Highlander Blvd, #205, Arlington TX 76015

Our work as social workers comes with the challenges of navigating dual relationships, keeping strong boundaries, and resolving ethical dilemmas. While these may seem straightforward, social workers fall into these pitfalls, sometimes ending up with a license suspension or revocation. In this training we will cover each of these areas, how to navigate the gray areas, and how to resolve ethical dilemmas. Even though this is a serious topic, we will throw in some fun by looking at examples from pop culture of what NOT to do. 

3 hours Social Work Ethics CEUs.

Presented by Carla Storey, LCSW-S, with Colton Strawser Consulting